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3 Night CLIMATE PARTY(27).png

This event explores uncovering what we feel about climate change and how this impacts our ability to act.

Big sheets of paper, pens, a stone, computer



     1. Kickoff  


Emotions A-Z Competition:
Form groups of 2-3. Stick a flip chart paper for each group on the walls so all teams can see the result when finished.

The groups write down emotions from a-z that come to mind when they think about climate change. If they get stuck with one letter, they go ahead to the next. They can list more than one for each letter, but the objective is to fill out an emotion for each letter and get to the end as quickly as possible. The group that has listed the most emotions related to climate change wins.


  • Are the emotions mostly positive or negative?

  • Do you think this makes climate change a difficult topic to discuss? Why/Why not?

  • Which of the emotions listed do you most often feel when you think about climate change?

  • How do you think these emotions impact our reaction to the crisis?

    2. Food for Thought 


Watch 'Mother Earth' (6 min) where Jane Goodall speaks about the emotions around the crisis and their impact on how we respond to climate change.


  • What human reactions to the crisis does she mention?

  • How do they affect our response to climate change?

  • Why do intellect and heart have to come together?

     3. Action 


The Yale Program of Climate Change Communications has identified 6 different ways of how people respond to climate change. Check out their spectrum of responses which goes from dismissive to the alarmist.


For the evening, print out the responses here and place each in different areas of your room. You could stick them to the wall or place them on the floor. Each person walks around the room and identifies which categorisation represents most themselves. Then bring everyone together for the discussion.


  • Where did you find yourself on the spectrum? Why?

  • How do culture, political views or psychology impact whether people act or don't?

  • Why is it helpful to know that there are different types of responses to the threat?

     4. Discussion 


Ques-cussion: A discussion using only questions

Start by asking the question: 'If overwhelm and negative feelings about the crisis do not inspire the most creative, resilient and capable in us, what does?'

Participants can only respond or add to the conversation with another question. Write these down so that everyone can see them. Then pick two or three of the questions to discuss.

     5. Love Letters to the Planet 


a) Watch 'I am the sky' (2 min) of the 'Nature is speaking' mini series.

b) Grief Stone Circle

Sit in a circle, take a stone and say something you feel sad or worried about when considering the planet. Pass the stone to the next person who adds something else they feel grief about... and so it continues.(You might notice that when people run out of sharing what they grieve, they naturally start shifting towards gratitude. Feel free to notice that aloud when you come to the end.)


  • What did you think of the video?

  • What role does feeling grateful play in times of a crisis?

    6. Toast 

Deep Dive 

If you and your friends are interested to find out a little more about how emotions impact our ability to deal with climate change, head to 'Resources' on 3 Night Climate Party website. You will find the following resources in the deep dive sections:


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